A sanitary product that, actually, is more sanitary.

For far too long, females in Malawi have had to use cloth rags for their periods, because they simply could not afford any kind of menstrual product. A packet of ten disposable pads in Malawi costs £2 – the equivalent of a day’s salary.

Cups are more hygienic, more comfortable, and better for the environment alternative to cloth rags and a more sustainable, comfortable and cost-saving option to disposable pads and tampons. In Malawi providing disposable pads is not the answer.

Period cups
Period cup

Don’t flush the environment away.

Did you know…

Be kinder to the environment every month. Join the women of Malawi and try a menstrual cup.

Ufulu - Better For Everyone's Environment

In every Ufulu workshop we ask females what, if any, sanitary products they have used. Most answer that they use cloth rags and maybe 1 or 2 disposable pads every month.

The problem they face is that in Malawi there is little or no rubbish collection. As such, women and girls struggle to dispose of their pads.

To date Ufulu has prevented 4.2 million pads from being ‘thrown away’ in Malawi.
Malawi Villiage
Malawi Villiage

Satisfaction guaranteed

Ufulu always wants to know that females are happy using their cups. In order to assess this we have catch up meetings with all our cup recipients 3-6 months after giving them a cup. We ask each female the following questions to find out if cups really change lives in Malawi: